Whose Children Are They? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts from across the nation who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.
This film is the starting point for a full cultural conversation about the need to return to the original intent of education, not indoctrination. Whose Children Are They?” informs and equips parents, teachers, grandparents and concerned citizens, to partner together for the innocence and well-being of our children. It also educates all education stakeholders on the corrupting influence of teachers’ unions, and the vital importance of removing them from our schools, in addition to educating parents on the need to stand with good teachers, and empower teachers to stage a mass Union Exit.
Full Trailer
Mama Bear
Whose Children Are They?
Genre: Documentary
Director: Jonathan Flora
Writer: Jonathan Flora, Deborah Flora, Rebecca Friedrichs
Producers: Deborah Flora, Jonathan Flora, Rebecca Friedrichs
Cast: Deborah Flora, Rebecca Friedrichs, Carol Swain, Robert Woodson, Corey DeAngelis, Alex Newman, Virginia Walden-Ford, John Castillo, and many more!
Status: Now available
Official Site
“An urgent, moving and heartbreaking call to action!” ~Andrew Klavin, The Daily Wire
“Whose Children Are They” is like a cultural smart bomb dropping at just the right time!" ~Christian Toto, contributor, The Daily Wire
“WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is a must-see movie for parents, teachers, elected officials, political candidates, and other adults, including voters.” ~MovieGuide
“An eye-opening new documentary that pulls back the curtain on the indoctrination of American school children… in the fight to win back the minds of their youth!” ~Ashley Hill, BPR Business & Politics
"Loved the movie! Very well done and powerful! ~Mark W-CA
"The movie is a triumph! Judging from the many gasps from the audience throughout the showing, people were hearing completely unexpected information for the first time." ~CHW-CA
"Fantastic documentary! Courageous people who told their stories, who told the truth!" ~Holly R-CO
“A brilliant, jaw-dropping film!” ~Joy O-CO
“A real wake up call!” ~Jameia J-CA
“Excellent and frightening. Every American needs to see this!” ~Tim W-CO
"Truly an eye opener. No longer can parents and grandparents sit back and not get involved and be aware of what’s happening or being taught at their child/grandchild’s school!" ~Mary D-MN
"WOW! For all the mama and papa bears out there!" ~Tracy H-TX
Join the movement with thousands of concerned Americans across the country as we come together to unite, educate, and empower parents, grandparents, teachers, students and educators in the fight to restore America’s schools and culture.